All-in-one platform

Displaying and requesting reviews for your business has never been easier.
Reviews help establish trust, improve brand reputation and SEO, and can significantly boost your sales.
Automatically sync your reviews
Import existing reviews from over 35 of the most popular review platforms, including Google, Facebook, and Yelp.
Customizable widgets
Give your display widget and request forms a branded makeover to fit the style of your business.
Effortlessly respond to reviews
Respond to reviews directly from the platform and automate the responses with AI.
Automated review requests
Take a hands-off approach with our automated process of requesting reviews from your customers via email and SMS.
Private feedback from unhappy customers
Give your customers a chance to provide private feedback before they leave a public review. This helps you resolve issues before they become public.
Analyse what your customers think
Get a better understanding of what your customers think about your business with our sentiment analysis tool and easy to understand dashboard.


The reviews page provides an overview of all the reviews of your businesses for your connected review integrations.

Respond, tag, filter, delete or export your reviews all in one place. You can even share your reviews via the custom share designer offered by Hotel Review Manager.


Start with embedding your reviews as a custom designed widget within all your websites. Select the source, design your widget according to your needs, generate the embed code and install it.

No worries, if you are not able to install it yourself, you can send the installation instructions to your developer and ask directly to embed it within your website(s).

The dashboard

A full fletched dashboard that will provide you insights about all your reviews and connected sources. 

Get metrics about:

  • - Your average rating score
  • - Source breakdown
  • - Top review sites
  • - Latest activity
  • - Review growth
  • - Breakdowns

and much more, straight from your personnalised dashboard within Hotel Review Manager. 
The dashboard

That's not it...

Once you are logged in to your Hotel Review Manager account, you will have access to the personnalised Help Center.

In the Help Center you will find loads of articles, tutorials and trouble shooting information so you will never be stuck while using Hotel Review Manager. 

Get Started For FREE With a 14 Day Trial

Try our all in one platform free for 14 days. No credit card required.

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